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© 2002 1st Special Response Group.
All rights reserved.
SAR Tech Review and Testing Evolutions

Background to the evolutions...

SAR Tech II has been adopted as one of the minimum training standards for 1SRG unit members, while SAR Tech I is encouraged. Because of the geographic diversity of our membership coupled with the limited availability of SAR Tech testing in many parts of the country, 1SRG frequently co-hosts SAR Tech Review and Testing Evolutions, for either SAR TECH II or I,  with local teams.

In general, the local team (usually a team with a member who is also a member of 1SRG) handles the local arrangements - test site, accommodations, meals, and registration - while 1SRG provides the SAR Tech Coordinator and Evaluators.

SAR Tech Review and Testing Evolutions that are co-hosted by 1SRG are open to all SAR personnel, from any unit - volunteer or municipal - as well as those who are unaffiliated with an existing SAR unit.

Thus we are fulfilling one of the tenets of our mission statement - to provide SAR training to others - and we help the SAR community as well.

A note on costs...

Costs depend on a variety of factors and should be discussed directly with the Coordinator overseeing the training evolution.

About SAR Tech...

SAR Tech is the only program, run by a "national" organization (NASAR) that attempts to "certify" SAR personnel as to their "general" SAR knowledge.

There are three levels of instruction which prepare candidates for three levels of certification. Introduction to SAR (ISAR) leads to SAR Tech III. Fundamentals of SAR (FUNSAR) leads to SAR Tech II. NASAR considers this an intermediate level and it is a level that seems to have developed some acceptance nationally. Advanced SAR (ADSAR) leads to SAR Tech I. This is NASAR's advanced level.

1SRG does not offer any program in support of SAR Tech III. Our Review and Testing Evolutions begin at the level of SAR Tech II.

NASAR allows any individual to challenge the SAR Tech II test. There are pros and cons to this. 1SRG's cadre of instructors, coordinators, and evaluators strongly believe that candidates for SAR Tech II should attend a NASAR sanctioned FUNSAR course or an equivalent course. Alternatively, candidates should encourage their unit to run a structured study program covering both the written material and practical skill stations. An established unit, with generally qualified members, should be able to do this over about eight weeks allocating four hours per week; newbies might take 12 weeks. FYI, an actual FUNSAR course runs 47 hours plus an overnight bivy. As a last resort, a self-study program - taken seriously - will enable most reasonably experienced SAR personnel to successfully challenge the SAR Tech II certification exam.

For SAR Tech I NASAR as a pre-requisite lists, among other things, SAR Tech II. And again, 1SRG's cadre encourages the interested candidate for SAR Tech I to attend either a NASAR sanctioned ADSAR course or its equivalent. The ADSAR course runs 19 hours. Once again, you may challenge the certification exam without attending any course of instruction.

Should a unit, or an individual candidate, choose to either run either a structured study program or a course of self-study for either SAR Tech II or SAR Tech I it will be worthwhile to look at NASAR's description of FUNSAR and ADSAR. as well as their list of pre-requisites. Click on these links to see these descriptions along with the study guides recommended by both NASAR and the 1SRG cadre:

SAR Tech II        SAR Tech I

The SAR Tech Review and Testing Evolution...

This is a three day program.

Day One is devoted to review of the material and information required to successfully challenge the SAR Tech II or SAR Tech I certification exam. The review is classroom style and utilizes a question and answer format. All topics from the book Search and Rescue Fundamentals are covered. The book Standards for SAR Technician III, II, I and Crew Leader III is used as the review guide. Practical review of knots, tracking, maps, compass, land navigation, and search are included. Day One culminates with the taking of the written portion of the examination.

Day Two is for the practical stations which are generally presented in the following order: SAR Ready Pack; Land Navigation; Route Search; Area Search, Tracking, and Knots. Depending on the number of candidates, the weather, and the terrain, Day Two may continue into Day Three.

Day Three is reserved for completion of any practical stations which through extenuating circumstance were not completed on Day Two. Additionally, any candidate who did not successfully complete up to two practical stations may repeat them on Day Three.

All SAR Tech Review and Testing Evolutions are planned as 12 hour days. Time is allocated for a lunch break and morning and afternoon refreshment breaks. Depending on the location, arrangements for overnight accommodations and other meals may be necessary. Please check the Training Schedule to determine the particular arrangements for any evolution in which you choose to participate.

Check-out the current schedule...

1SRG tries to schedule SAR Tech Review and Testing Evolutions at convenient times and convenient locations throughout the country. New evolutions are being added frequently. Please use the link below to go to our Training Schedule. SAR Tech Review and Testing Evolutions have open registration. You may find other courses listed as well; some of these, however, may be limited to 1SRG members or may be courses being provided to particular units and are thus have closed registration:

Training Schedule